Opportunity, Equity, Peace, Prosperity, Democracy
About Us
Welcome to
Coronado Democratic Club
We believe in an accountable government that promotes business, supports the American worker, provides equal access to a high-quality education, facilitates the provision of healthcare to all, protects the environment and fights climate change, designs a fair and equitable tax structure, advances the causes of peace, prosperity, and democracy at home and throughout the world and continues the traditions of freedom, equality and the pursuit of happiness provided us in the United States Constitution.
Browse the Coronado Library
Historical Photo Collection
A Bit of History…Our First Meeting
in September, 1888
According to the Coronado Mercury of September 1888, “there was an enthusiastic gathering of Democrats at the old school house for the purpose of organizing a Democratic Campaign Club.” Twenty-three Democrats signed the roll at the first meeting and it was expected that at the next meeting a large number of new members would be “secured.” “There were stirring speeches” and members left that first meeting “full of enthusiam,” planning to hold weekly meetings.
What We Do
We support the California and National Democratic Party’s values and principles, including access to opportunity for all through respectful and equal treatment regardless of race, gender identity, beliefs, sexual orientation, age, disability, or national origin.
Meet Our
Board of Directors • 2024 - 2025
Lori Doyle
Patti Flores-Charter

Laura Wilkinson Sinton
Betty Padgett

Shawnee Barton
Standing Committees
Programs: Carol Stanford and Gail Bardin
Hospitality: Jo Antrim
Membership: Position Available
Public Policy: Rebecca King
GO Team: Patti Flores
Communications: Stephanie Kaupp
Scholarship: Patti Flores
Over 250 Members and Growing
We are students and retirees, Naval Officers, retired judges, writers, surfers, tradesmen and women, graphic artists, working moms and dads, stay-at-home moms and dads, and come from all walks of life. The Club has over 250 members and our general meetings are held monthly on Saturday afternoons in Coronado. Our meeting locations and program are always easy to find on the home page of the website. We invite you to join our meetings whether you are a member or “just visiting” to hear great speakers and information on local government and news, great ideas, and political interest. You – and everyone – are invited to join us and hear our speakers and members in a spirit of inclusion and interest in our community. One totally fun highlight of our year is the Club’s participation in the festive and famous annual Coronado Fourth of July Parade. Our members are also active in various special Democratic activities throughout San Diego County.
Click Here to Visit the Club’s New Photo Gallery (We welcome your contributions…send pictures!)
The Club’s Grassroots Organizing Team (GO Team) was one of many that helped turn Coronado blue, electing Joe Biden as our 46th President and Kamala Harris as our first female, Black, and Asian Vice President, making American history; and turning San Diego County blue in 2020. By electing our own District’s first Latina, Nora Vargas, to represent San Diego County as a supervisor. In addition, the Coronado GO team was instrumental in phone banking to stop the Republican recall of Gov. Gavin Newsom The Coronado Democratic Club also support with time and money our neighbors in need to demonstrate our generosity of spirit in our community. Whether you’re a resident, a visitor to our beautiful island or you’re serving in the Armed Forces on Coronado, we invite you to come to mingle and meet with some terrific neighbors who share our Democratic values. Please check our Home Page for Coming Events. All are welcome, always.
Join Today!
Join more than 250 members of the Coronado Democratic Club and support democratic values and principles with like-minded members of our community. Our members keep the Club vital, active, and responsive. We hope you will take the next step and join us or renew your membership!