Newsletter – April 2023

What's Inside?

The Power of Impact

Hello Democratic Colleagues, 

Last month, on a cold, drizzly day, club members joined community members to celebrate Coronado’s Arbor Day by planting trees in designated areas around the city. Our team proudly planted a Hong Kong Orchid tree, which now beautifies our city streets, but most importantly, is a reminder that trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2)

This month, we’ll host our annual Blue Wave Brunch on Saturday, April, 22nd — Earth Day! A great opportunity to celebrate common democratic values on International Earth Day with a program on “The Climate Crisis” by Dr. Adam R. Aron. And a reminder of why everyone’s participation is needed to succeed in the urgent advancement of impactful legislation to slow down climate change. When we accept that humanity is so entangled in the carbon footprint, we must invest time and effort in our habitual patterns to change social and personal activities to become part of the solution. The climate crisis demands that each and every one of us engage in a daily commitment to undo or diminish our usage of greenhouse gas-emitting commodities.

In the last three months, we have witnessed an example of climate change with unusually heavy rainfall. Locally, the inevitable impact of this climate disruption brought pouring sewage from the Tijuana River into the ocean on both sides of the border, polluting beaches and destroying its ecosystems. 

And while we continue to demand urgent action for local and state sustainable solutions, national legislation, and global agreements, we must engage in attainable local actions such as learning and promoting local meaningful initiatives from our friends at Emerald Keepers, who advocate for ways to decelerate the climate crisis. Quiz yourself to determine how much there is to learn. Teach others the importance of not just recycling, but reusing and repurposing. Here are other great resources: Recycle right for a cleaner San DiegoRethink wasteZero waste 101, and Zero-Waste Tips When Dining Out. Watch environmental movies with your kids or grandkids. 

Our habits and daily intentions will inspire others to care and join us in the much-needed global effort to decelerate the destruction of our planet. We must all help preserve mankind’s only home, planet Earth! 

Respectfully, Marely Ramirez


Annual Blue Wave Brunch Arrives in Three Weeks!

Our April 22 Blue Wave Brunch tickets have been selling like hotcakes. As of March 24, there are only 14 tickets still available for this fun (and delicious) annual gathering, so get your tickets without delay! (See purchase info below)  

This year’s event will highlight International Earth Day 2023. We hope to see you there, AND please bring a friend! This is your opportunity to meet and mingle with fellow Coronado Dems, and to show prospective Club members a great time, in good company.

When: Saturday, April 22, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Where: Feast & Fareway (Coronado Golf Course, patio seating) 

Ticket Price: $35

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Adam R. Aron, author of The Climate Crisis 

Entertainment: CoSA Tour Group Singers

The Blue Wave Brunch is not a fundraiser. And we need more sponsors, please!  A number of generous members have already stepped up (thank you so much!), but we have not yet covered this year’s event expenses (venue rental and staff wages, total food and beverage costs, entertainment, etc.). Sponsors will be recognized at the Brunch, and will have an opportunity to be seated at a table with an elected official. We are hoping for several more Sponsorships of $150 (or more).

Don’t delay, friends, get your tickets today! Be a part of the Blue Wave that’s becoming a Coronado Dems Tsunami!


Link to purchase tickets online and Sponsorship opportunities:

Online purchases include processing fee. 

Tickets and Sponsorships may also be purchased by check (no processing fee) made payable to: The Coronado Democratic Club.  

Mail checks to: The Coronado Democratic Club, P.O. Box 181351, Coronado CA 92178, 

attn: Patrick Callahan. 

Check payment must be received by mail BEFORE April 12, 2023, or until tickets are sold out, whichever is earlier. 

March Annual Meeting

On Saturday, March 25, the club held its Annual Meeting in the Winn Room of the Coronado Public Library, with around 45 people in attendance. Traditionally, the March Annual Meeting has been part of the Blue Wave Brunch, but this year, the Brunch will be held in April and will not include a business portion – just pure fun, entertainment, delicious food, celebration and inspiration. (For details, see Blue Wave Brunch article in this newsletter.)

ELECTION RESULTS: In accordance with club bylaws, the election of club officers – Secretary and Treasurer — was held. These positions are for two-year terms. Jean Seager, Chair of the Nominating Committee, announced the slate of officers: Lori Doyle for Secretary, and Edry Goot for Treasurer. The vote was unanimous in favor of these two amazing women. Congratulations, Lori and Edry! The Board is thrilled and honored to have you as part of its Executive Team. Much appreciation goes to outgoing officers Rebecca King (Secretary Pro Tem) and Pat Callahan (Treasurer) for their valuable contributions and dedication as Board members.

PROGRAM: An enlightening and thought-provoking program on the rise of antisemitism, and hate in general, was presented by Rob Hicks, Assistant Regional Director for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) San Diego. We all left the meeting more aware of these disturbing trends, but armed with good information about how to deal with them. And thank you, Jill Rooney, for the “Shabbat Shalom” blessing, the delicious challah, and for sharing your personal stories in conjunction with the program.

2023 CLUB AWARD RECIPIENTS: This year, the Board selected Patti Flores-Charter as the recipient of the Mercy Mandelbaum Award, the highest club honor for exemplary service, enduring contributions, and commitment to promoting democratic values. Patti’s club participation throughout the years has been broad and selfless. We are grateful for her many years of service as Chair of the Scholarship Committee and Chair of the Fourth of July Parade Committee, as well as her new role as Chair of the GO Team. Congratulations, Patti!

According to President Marely Ramirez, choosing the President’s Award recipient was difficult because every club member’s involvement results in great outcomes. Marely chose Stephanie Kaupp for her investigative work on environmental issues such as the cross-border sewage problem between Tijuana and San Diego, which raised the level of urgency needed for elected officials to act promptly. Her passion and commitment inspired others to fearlessly engage in many important focus areas within the Public Policy Committee. Congratulations, Stephanie!

Shown below: L-R: President Marely Ramirez, Stephanie Kaupp, Patti Flores-Charter.

Celebrating Women's History Month

March was Women’s History Month, a time to acknowledge and celebrate the ongoing impactful contributions women have made throughout history in the world. Senator Toni Atkins, representing the 39th Senate District, honored 23 passionate women in the 2023 Woman Making Herstory. At our club’s March Annual meeting, we took a photo of all the phenomenal women in the room — members and friends — who continue to have a special role in our lives and our community. We value every brave female member for her contributions and support!

New Member Welcome Event

Joining a new group can sometimes be daunting. But the Coronado Democratic Club’s Membership Committee is making sure that joining our club is a positive, fun and worthwhile experience.

On Friday, March 10, seven new (or new-ish) club members were warmly welcomed at a casual gathering in the beautiful home of Mary and Rob Taylor. Board members and Committee Chairs were there to ensure that every new member felt special and appreciated. We want everyone in the club to get to know each other, make connections, get and stay engaged, and enjoy the many benefits of membership. What better way than to host a Happy Hour, with delicious hors d’oeuvres and beverages, camaraderie, and lively conversation in a comfortable environment of like-minded people!

This was a great opportunity to meet and mingle with some terrific neighbors who share Democratic values. In fact, it was so much fun that we plan to have these events every quarter.  

Welcome aboard, new members! You are a great addition to our club.

Making Coronado a Little Greener!

On Saturday, March 11, a small group of Dem Club members braved the Southern California drizzle to participate in Coronado’s 37th Arbor Day Tree Planting event. They were among about 100 volunteers who planted 45 trees throughout the city. 

Club members Jenna, Mike, Marely and Judy met at Spreckels Park and received their shovels and assignment to plant a Hong Kong Orchid tree in the parkway at 869 A Avenue. 

Despite the rain-soaked soil, digging a hole proved to be a challenge (thanks to left-over roots from other plantings). But fortunately, they were able to borrow the muscle power of two young Navy guys, also volunteers at the event, to help with the task. 

Thanks to this team effort, a new tree was successfully planted! And the Coronado Democratic Club was recognized with a certificate for its volunteer service and participation in celebrating Arbor Day. What a great way to show the community our dedication and commitment to helping the environment.

InclusioNado Call to Action: End Bullying

Help end bullying of young girls, students of color, and LGBTQ+ students in our community by sharing your voice after reading this!

InclusioNado builds community awareness in an effort to end bullying in school, on-line and in sports. After listening to Coronado students who have experienced bullying, we recommend five concrete actions the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) can take to end bullying:

Message from Rainbow Space Club

This year, the Coronado Democratic Club will support the Coronado High School Rainbow Space Club, in a collaborative effort with the non-profit organization Rainbow Spaces, as they participate in a Rainbow Soiree Prom! 

Here is what Rainbow Spaces’ Executive Director, Nadia Kean-Ayub, has to say:

“A prom is a rite of passage for all youth, but despite momentous efforts, most LGBTQ+ youth do not feel comfortable attending their own prom, which is why the Rainbow Soiree is one of our most important yearly events. This year we are proud to be working with the San Diego City Library staff to create a beautiful and inviting space for our San Diego LGBTQ+ students, led by the efforts of several of our youth, including the Coronado Rainbow Space club lead, Audrey Devore. 

“We hope to create a prom that reflects and reiterates the value of these amazing youth! We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization where you can feel comfortable that every dollar donated will go directly to creating this amazing event for our youth. Your donation will not only help our students enjoy a moment when they can be lauded, but it will also remind them that they are truly seen. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions.”


Nadia Kean-Ayub

Executive Director 

Rainbow Spaces 

[email protected]

The Problem With Coronado’s Homelessness Problem

In case you missed it, Mayor Richard Bailey recently claimed he solved the problem of homelessness in Coronado with his “Zero Tolerance Policy,” adding “it’s not a difficult problem to solve.” ( To add insult to injury, Bailey appeared on the Tucker Carlson show to explain exactly how “his” city accomplished this.

To learn the truth, please enjoy the following blogpost by Brad Willis entitled Exploiting the Homeless Issue: Solving a difficult problem or making political hay

Public Policy Committee News New Webpage Coming Soon!

Thanks to a generous donation, our website is undergoing a transformation. A new Public Policy Committee webpage is soon to be added with active links to news articles and organizations focusing on the Environment, Criminal Justice Reform, Voting Rights, Diversity, Reproductive Freedom, LGBTQ+ Gender Fairness, Housing Mandate, Gun Safety Measures/Public Safety, Immigration Rights, and other areas of interest based on our club’s Strategic Plan.

The Committee’s goal is to help educate and activate us into action such as signing petitions, sending letters to our representatives, volunteering, and attending meetings and events that support our democratic values and policies. The webpage will also be a source for political news and how we can help get out the vote for our recommended 2024 Democratic candidates.

So stay tuned for the news!

Your Representatives

You can participate in political life (of our nation, state, county, city, school district) by reaching out to elected officials. Make your voice heard on issues of importance to you. Here’s how:

Over 200 Members and Growing!

Join more than 200 members of the Coronado Democratic Club and support democratic values and principles with like-minded members of our community. Our members keep the Club vital, active, and responsive. We hope you will take the next step and join us or renew your membership!


Saturday, April 22: Blue Wave Brunch. Feast and Fareway, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets on sale now, but going fast; sponsorships available. (See article above)

Saturday, May 13: General Meeting. Coronado Public Library, Winn Room. Social time 3:30 p.m.; meeting at 4:00 p.m. Program TBD.

2023 - 2024


President: Marely Ramirez

Vice President: Bill Seager

Secretary: Lori Doyle

Treasurer: Edry Goot

Member at Large: Susan Marrinan



Programs: Pro Tempore Brian Trotier

Hospitality: Jenna McIntosh

Membership: Patti Flores-Charter

Public Policy: Susan Marrinan

GO Team: Patti Flores-Charter

Communications: Mali Hinesley

Scholarship: Patti Flores-Charter