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We Need You!


Club Goals: To gather like-minded people and provide opportunities for activism as we socialize. Meetings provide the latest information by experts on issues that matter to us. During election cycles we precinct walk, phone bank, write letters for Vote Forward, and provide candidate forums. Our members keep our Club vibrant, active, and responsive by their input of ideas, feedback, and participation! Join a committee, become an officer, or help plan activities and events. See below for sign-up and volunteer opportunities.

Our Committee Descriptions

Standing Committees

Public Policies

This committee stays current with local, state, and federal legislation, both existing and proposed, analyzes ballot measures, and reports to the Board with any recommendations. 

Scholarship Committee

Help us plan and oversee scholarship opportunities for Coronado High School seniors and college students residing in the South Bay and/or attending Southwestern College. The Board shall determine the number of scholarships and the amount per scholarship at the September Board meeting each year.  

Activities & Events Committee

The committee organizes the Blue Wave Brunch – our annual Spring Social, Beach Clean Up, Concert in the Park, 4th of July Parade, Ice Skating at the Del, Holiday Party and more.

Programs Committee

This committee arranges programs and meeting places for the club, notifies members and the general pblic of the time and place of meetings, and arranges for set up and tear down of the meeting room. Our meeting attendance is one of the best! 


Want to help build membership and plan fun events? The Membership Committee meets throughout the year to plan events to promote new membership in the club, maintain the current roster, communicate and welcome new members, oversee voter registration, and serve as liaison to Coronado High School. 


This committee provides a vital role for the Club. It oversees all Club communications, including social media, the newsletter, press releases, e-blasts, and outreach opportunities. 

Hospitality Committee

Enjoy meeting new people?  This committee hosts in-person meetings, is responsible for taking and recording attendance at all meetings, and arranges for refreshments.

GO Team Committee

This committee (Grassroots Organizing Team) works with the San Diego County Democratic Party (SDCDP) to create and organize teams for precinct canvassing, and uses the SDCDP’s recommended voter and campaign software. They are provided access to county training, and the use of a MiniVan.

Are You Officer Material?


Gathers agenda items, runs monthly meetings, supports Chairspersons and events as needed, and is the formal representative/spokesperson for the Club.

Vice President

Runs meetings in the absence of the President, serves as Parliamentarian, and attends monthly meetings of the Council of Clubs.



Takes minutes at all meetings and distributes them to the appropriate group (to Board members for Board meetings or to General membership for our General meetings), and keeps a permanent file of the minutes and correspondence.


Manages all money transactions of the Club, i.e. receives all monies from any source, deposits all monies, issues all checks, and provides a budget report at each Board and General meeting.